Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today we haved reached 11 weeks. Only one more week until we reach the miraculous 12 week mark and the risk of miscarriage virtually disapears! Very exciting.
I have started noticing a wee bit of chub around my middle that wasn't there a few weeks ago... baby and uterus are pushing my gut out and making my usual jeans uncomfortable to button. It's a very strange sensation, it feels sort of like I ate a giant Thanksgiving dinner (and looks that way too) except I don't feel full. I can hardly wait for a real belly that looks like something more defined than dinner!


carltheod said...

speaking of thanksgiving dinner, I can't wait! I'll get to see this chub for myself, and maybe give you a little grief since you still haven't posted any pictures!

Maria said...
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Maria said...

I think this is honestly the like 10,000 request for that picture!!!! COME ON!!!!! at least give an explanation as to why you cant! (and dont give me any of this no scanner crap)

Julie, Todd, Kate and Miles said...

Oh the little chub is just the beginning! It won't be long now until you have more of a baby belly!

carltheod said...

wow, it's only been a couple days since I looked at the blog, and I just glanced into the corner at that day counter that shows how big the baby is. It's really getting BIG!