Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Monday, August 19, 2013

32 week update

Well... Had a little hiccup in the smooth sailing this week. I've had a tiny bit of bleeding, and while we originally thought it was nothing, turns out its a little something that needs closer monitoring.
Today we had an ultrasound and non stress test, and everything looks ok. Baby is moving and growing. I've got a small subchorionic bleed on the placenta, so I have to have weekly NSTs and follow up to make sure it's resolving and baby is gaining weight. Good news is that for now I get to stop taking my daily lovenox shot, which is to prevent clotting. No more shots for 2 weeks at least! 
It was kind of fun to see her little face today. Once again she had a foot by her face, which she has had almost every ultrasound. They estimated her weight at 4 pounds 1 ounce. I'm just feeling frustrated because I'm already anxious enough, I don't need anything extra to worry about. Hopefully after a few more weeks of doctor appointments we'll see the bleeding resolve and all will be well.

And in other news we had a great camping trip this weekend with our good friends from Seattle and Leavenworth. Josie had a grand time, and it was so good to spend time with Julie and Alia. 

This is my favorite maternity shirt. I wear it practically every day :)

And, just for fun... The sisters and their bellies. Maria on the left at 39 weeks, me on the right at 32. Can't wait to meet her little mystery bug!

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