Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3rd Tooth

Josie's third tooth, the top right one, has finally made an appearance after weeks of swollen and painful gums. This tooth seemed to be so much more painful and bothersome than the bottom ones, leaving a blood blister and a big split it it's wake. Poor girl!

Josie has become increasingly mobile in the last weeks, crawling all over, pulling up on everything, standing on her own for a split second before thumping on to her bottom, and even climbing on top of things.

New favorite games include things like pulling every item out of the laundry basket, chewing shoelaces, and chasing Milo's tail around.

We have been working hard the last 10 days or so to get Josie to sleep in her crib, and sleep for longer stretches. She has been pretty resistant (of course! who would want to leave the comfort and snuggles of mom's bed and the all night snack bar??), but the last couple of nights have been much better. She slept 6 hours without needing us last night, had a quick feed and then zonked back out for 4 more hours without a peep. As I am writing this, she has been asleep in her crib for a nap for 2 hours! So, things are finally getting much better in that regard.

And a quick photo from Uncle Carl's visit last week.


Maria said...

Its great to hear that she slept for 6 hrs. I knew she could do it. Keep doing your awesome work. Can we get a picture of this new tooth?

Cara said...

Hooray about the sleeping. It's great to hear you are making progress. I hope it hasn't been too hard.

Sorry to hear about the painful tooth. Glad that's over huh? Hope the next one won't be so bad!!

kdillon322 said...

So glad to hear the sleeping is going well. I bet you were so happy with the 6 hour stretch. You guys are doing amazing! I know it must be hard on you!

nonnomarkus said...

I'm glad that uncle Carl paid a visit