Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

28 week appointment

Today we had a traditional appointment with one of the midwives because we will be missing the next centering class while in Hawaii. I got poked all full of holes... blood draw and a BIG Rhogam shot in the rear for good measure- ooh that one hurts!
Good news is that my weight gain is perfect and my belly is now measuring 27 cms- that's 3 cms groth in 3 weeks, again perfect! So she's growing. Grow baby, grow! We also got to hear a good strong heartbeat again, which I love. Now that she is bigger it has slowed a little to the 130-140s range, which is just right.
We asked Kathleen, the midwife, to poke around and see if she could tell baby's position, since I have been so curious. She said that she is head down, back curled along my right side, bum in the upper right and feet stretched down towards her head, which explains why I have been feeling most kicks lower down even though her head is down, too. Of course for the next month or more she will still be able to somersault and change positions anytime.

Now I am spending the day getting packed and ready for our trip since we leave on Saturday and I am working all day tomorrow. Yipee, getting so close!


Julie, Todd, Kate and Miles said...

So glad to hear that your appt went well! And I'm happy that your girl is growing like she should be! Strong work! Have a lovely time in Hawaii!

carltheod said...

good to hear everything's going well. Today is the first day of spring, but it sure doesn't feel like it. I wish I could go to hawaii.