Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Josie turns 5

My smart, funny, passionate, creative first born turned 5 today. She is getting a few freckles on her nose and cheeks, is getting so tall, and wants to grow her hair long. She loves music, singing along and performing both song and dance. She is very feminine. She loves to create art. She is very nurturing, especially to younger children and babies. She is very social, a leader and creator of elaborate imaginary games and stories.
We had an amazing party, with tons of kids over, which she loved! Frozen/princess/pajama party was the theme she chose. The weather was great so the kids spent the whole time outside getting wet and excavating treasures from ice.
All day I was feeling nostalgic, so proud and happy of my growing girl but at that same time wistful because the sweet baby she once was is gone. My beloved friend Katie texted me in the morning that she was in labor with her first son, and my heart was with her as she was becoming a mother for the first time like I did 5 years ago. 

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