Our Family's Life

This is a chronicle of our daily life in the Yost family. Josie Maria was born 5/31/2009, and has become the focus of our world! Our second daughter Gemma Grace was born unto Heaven 8/14/12. Enjoy photos, anecdotes and milestones.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November update

Well, we are busy these days. Our move to Portland is just 2 weeks away! Its very exciting. Josie is getting into the spirit of things, asking every day if we are moving to Portland "TODAY??". Playing in boxes in pretty fun, too.
Today we woke to a snowy and icy landscape. The snow was all hard and crusty, not much fun to play in, but fun to look at. We also made it out to the Children's museum for our friend Stella's 3rd birthday today and had a great time!


Celeste said...

As your departure date gets closer, I grow more sad. Boo. But, I am glad that I have family in Portland as it gives me hope that we will continue to keep up and occasional even see each other!! Thank you for coming to Stella's party. Great pictures.

Richard Yost said...

Love the bus driver and passanger pic. That one belongs in a frame.

Maria said...

The last picture is a great family photo!