8 months?!?!! Wow. I can hardly believe it. I say that with every new month post, I think... well, my baby is growing up.
Josie is having a great time with finger foods. She loves blueberries, cheerios, black beans, and anything she can pick up and put in her own mouth and chew on. A mango pit is another fabulous favorite, although I have to say it's messy enough that we only give them to her occasionally.
Currently her favorite toys are a old set of keys, a spatula, and a toothbrush. She grabs at anything shiny, sharp, or interesting to adults, such as cell phones, forks and knives, pens and knitting needles. She is also interested in grabbing at our kitty Milo, but usually isn't fast enough to get him. The only time he lets her get near is when she has cheerio of cracker crumbs on her face or stuck between her fingers :-).
She is pulling herself up to stand on a few things. We have a bin set up in the living room, weighted with books at the bottom (and toys at the top) so it doesn't tip on her. She loves to pull up and stand there, playing. She is also scooting.... backwards, mostly. She lays on her belly and shoves with her arms and moves backwards until she runs into something or gets stuck under the couch, and then she screams in frustration! She will also get up on her hands and knees and rock, but has not figured out forward movement yet.
She has had some pretty intense separation anxiety in the last month or so, and continues to love being held and carried around. She likes to always have a parent in her direct line of sight (or preferably within 2 inches). It's so sweet that she wants me so near all the time, but also can be challenging.
I think my life is about to change quite a bit when this girl gets a bit more mobile. Already I need to keep her in view almost all the time because she will try to pull herself up on things and isn't the best judge of what to use yet. It will be so fun to see how she begins to get around more!